$50 이상 구매 시 전세계 무료 배송
질문 & 답변
What is the youngest age this can be given?
NexGard or NexGard Spectra can be given to your puppy from 8 weeks of age, providing they weigh at least 2 kg. It is also always best to consult with your local vet.
I ordeed the small size because my dog weighs 3.5-3.6(maybe). I worried what I choose Xsmall or small. If my dog loses weigh, can I cancel my order and change it?
A few hundred grams shouldn't make any different, however yes if the things change, you can always change / cancel your order.
Is this product genuine?
당연하지. 우리가 판매하는 모든 제품은 정품입니다.
Is this safe is pregnant and nursing dogs?
그것은 번식, 임신 또는 수유중인 개에서 평가되지 않았습니다. 적절한 치료 옵션에 대한 조언은 수의사에게 문의하십시오.
I want to give NExgard Spectra to a dog who finished heart warm treatment. She went through it bravely and now she is healthy. Vet told me to re-start the prevention on September so I did her Frontline and gave Heartgard on October 1st. She had no problem. Some people say Nexgard is stronger than those two medications so it's better not to give it. But I can't find any evidence. I'd like to know your recommendation, can I give her Nexgard Spectra?
We always strongly recommend to all our customers to get advice from their vet before administer any medication. Nexgard and Nexgard Spectra are manufactured by the same maker - Merial -. They come up with Nexgard as improved product, however it has completely different ingredient and formula.