$50 이상 구매 시 전세계 무료 배송
질문 & 답변
Does this get rid of tape worm? If so, I really wish that was on the list…
This product doesn't cover tapeworm. We recommend using this product with "Drontal" if you want tapeworm cover too.
can this be taken with heart guard?
Technically yes you can use this product together with Heartfgard, but Advocate / Advantage Multi is also heartworm preventative too so no need to give Heartgard if you use this product.
Will this product actually rid my dog of an infestation or is it only a preventive?
This product prevent and rid of all fleas and intestinal worms but it is only a preventative against the all important heartworm. You need to make sure that your dog doesn't have heartworm before you start to use this product periodically.
Do I still need to give heartworm meds?
이 제품은 또한 Heartworm 예방약입니다. 그러나 그것은 heartworm을 치료하지 않습니다. 당신의 개가 벌레를 이미 가지고 있지 않다면, 당신은 다른 것을 필요로하지 않습니다.
Hi I have been using stronghold but it does not seem to be working any more is this ok for use on a dog of 100 pounds?
예,이 제품은 개를 위해 잘되어야합니다.